Male Masturbation

Start receiving amazing handjobs from your girlfriend today

amazing handjobsWhile you may wish that every girl born was born with the know-how to give a man a proper handjob, let’s face it – that’s completely not the case. A lot of women don’t know the first thing about how to give a handjob to man for one good reason – she doesn’t have a penis to practice on. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to know how to please her man. Use this guide to help teach your woman how to give an amazing handjob.

1. Talk to her
Saying to your woman ‘I’m going to teach you how to do this right’ might be a good way to start. For most women, even if they know they’re terrible at it, they will be embarrassed and this will only make them more embarrassed. Instead, when the time comes to foreplay and she’s reaching for your member, say something like ‘mmm babe… Can I show you what makes me feel so good?’ This way she’s not embarrassed, but more excited to make you feel good.

2. Use lube
Definitely have her use lubricant, or at least lotion if you don’t have lubricant on hand. This makes it easier on both of you. Lube up her hand, and your member, for better success.

3. Hold it firmly
Help her get the right grip. For a woman, it’s hard to know just how hard is too hard when they’ve never had one of their own to try it out on. Women are always hearing about how sensitive a man’s penis is, and therefore it can be very intimidating to grab one and start yanking on it. Have your girl wrap her hand around your penis making a ring with her thumb and forefinger or middle finger. Show her the correct firmness and let her experiment with what is too light, too hard, and what feels just right.

4. Movement
Show her how to move her hands from the base of the shaft to the head. Tell her that once she reaches the head, she should twist her hand so the palm is completely over the head, then back down the shaft again. Don’t be shy to show her the movement so she can fully understand. Tell her to change her speed, grip and firmness throughout the handjob to really drive you crazy.

5. Talk to her again
As much as she may have learned in that lesson, she’s not going to really know what gets you going unless you talk to her while she’s giving it a try. Let her know what feels good, when to go faster or slower, and when to grip tighter or looser. After a couple times with your guidance, she’ll be giving you the best handjobs you could have ever imagined.

6. Bonus tip
You can ask her to use on you a male masturbator or a fake pussy, or even a blowjob machine like the autoblow 2.

About the author

Hi, I’m Joseph O’Connor. I am a twenty-six year old man from Texas, USA. I fell into writing about sex toys when I was looking for a way to both try new things and explore my body… Things progressed rapidly. It turns out there aren’t many (straight) men that can talk about sex the way I do without getting downright ridiculous. I’m always reading more/learning about the human body and sexual response and always looking for ways to improve my sex life (and that of those I come in contact with)

More about Joseph

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