Dating Sites that can get any women addicted to you

This aggressive new breed of dating site for men approach the topic of attracting girls with different tips for dating, but each of these new sites guarantee basically the same thing; that you can pull any girl, any time anywhere whether you are dead broke, out of shape, fat, bald old or plain ugly. And they do this with a series of dating advice techniques that use powerful psychology techniques to make women irresistibly drawn to you.

These systems use dating advice that will make you immediately become so seductive that women will actually feel themselves getting “wetter” around you!

#1 Pandora’s Box

Vin di Carlo, the owner of this system, which he calls Pandoras’ Box Core System, teaches you all the techniques you need to make women feel not just attracted to you, but addicted to you. With his system of dating tips he guarantees that you will be able to instantly identify the 8 different types of women there are in this world and how to say exactly the right words and show the correct moves to woo the woman of your choice and have her like putty in your hands fast. He describes his tips for dating as a powerful psychological tool, so powerful that in the wrong hands it could totally destroy a woman’s life because she could become completely addicted to you.

He makes some interesting points in his long (very long) spoken delivery, explaining that you can’t use the same bait to attract every kind of girl, and what you use on one girl will not work on another. So his Pandora’s Box system tells you exactly what to say and what to do when you meet a particular type of woman. Needless to say, other guys will stare in envy as you get to walk off with the most beautiful woman in the room because you alone know the right buttons to push. And with his Pandora’s Box system of dating tips Vin di Carlo claims you can do this time and time again with any woman. It makes you wonder how many addicted women a man can handle in his life, but if you can get the girl of your dreams with this dating advice it might just be worth the money. Sign up and he sends you several PDF booklets to prove his theory.

While Pandora’s Box relies on the spoken sales pitch of Vin Di Carlo to sell the package, the Alpha Male system does it with hard hitting text such as: ‘This is not some New Age theory crap’. It’s based on the same hush-hush psychological tactics advertisers have used for centuries to get filthy rich.’ Meanwhile, Tiffany Taylor’s ‘Guy Gets Girl’ site relies much more on feminine know-how to convince guys that only a woman knows how to attract a woman.

Like all of these dating sites, the price starts out at some outrageous sum in this instance $497 and gradually he knocks the price down to $67.00. As an additional technique to get you jumping on board he says the offer is available to only the first 100 men.

Customers Opinion/Feedbacks

John F, Boston, Massachusetts – Hey man, I really can’t believe it, a girl I have been trying to attract on campus wouldn’t even spit in my general direction. Then after just two days of reading your Pandora’s Box material, I am writing to you while this very same girl is asleep in my bed having just given me the greatest sex of my life. Incredible!

Craig W, Scottsdale, Arizona – I was very sceptical about this convinced I was going to waste my money, but with Pandora’s Box I am now scoring with babes I wouldn’t have dared to approach 3 months ago. Follow the techniques guys, it’s all here!

Tam D, Venice, California – This is powerful stuff, the problem is not attracting women anymore, it’s fighting them off – I’m getting into trouble due to Pandora’s Box, – the best trouble of my life!

#2 Alpha Male System

John Alexander, owner of the Alpha Male System dating site, describes himself as once being like ‘a girl’s emotional tampon’, and that his love life was reduced to watching re-runs of Friends and fantasising about Jennifer Aniston. Then one day he decided to apply silent mind control techniques to seduce women. Now he has one of the best dating sites for men on the internet which supplies dating tips to men that guarantees them to get laid as often as they can handle it.

John Alexander has a more aggressive sales pitch than both Vin Di Carlo’s Pandora’s Box Core System and Tiffany Taylor’s ‘Guy Gets Girl’. He reckons that with his dating tips you can quickly and easily find yourself in one ‘can’t-miss’ situation after another… where hot, young girls are approaching you… and then literally begging to take you home for X-rated sex!

His tips for dating are based on powerful ‘mind’ principles which he claims you are born with which can magnetically attract you without ever having to chase them. With John’s dating tips, he offers you:

  • 3 ‘magic tricks’ you can start using right away that will have women begging to have ‘anything goes’ sex with you (even if they’re married or have boyfriends)
  • The 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying “hello” to a new woman…to sharing orgasms in bed with her… in just one evening!
  • 14 specific topics you should never, ever bring up in conversation with a woman you want to have sex with!
  • 9 silent dating tips that ‘magnetically’ get a girl to like you. And there is much more besides, John Alexander has dating women techniques that work like a red button even on the most difficult and bitchy babes.

And what’s more these tips are said to work whatever your age, your social status, or your level of income. Or in John’s words; ‘owning this simple secret can get you laid more often than a great haircut, a killer body, a fat bank account and a new BMW… combined.’ His pitch is all out confident and aggressive, much more so than Tiffany Taylor’s Guy Gets Girl site, so if you prefer a less macho approach you might prefer the Tiffany Taylor way to woo women.

The price for all these invaluable and life altering dating women techniques comes in at just $39.97 which is a full $27.00 cheaper than the Pandora’s Box Core System, so if you are looking for a cheaper option for getting laid on a regular basis this could be the one to go for. Like the Pandora’s Box Core System, it’s an immediate download of all the information you require, and if for any reason it does not work there is a money back guarantee.

Customers Opinion/Feedbacks

Trent B, Portland, Oregon – Hi John I just want you to know I have transformed myself into a guy that always gets the girl, and people are really starting to notice. If this is what it’s like to be an alpha male, give me more.

Taylor G, Minneapolis, Minnesota – John, three weeks ago I couldn’t get a girl if my life depended on it, last night had two gorgeous girls in a club willing to to come home with me together. What a night…what a fantastic system you’ve given me.

Jeff Y, Athens, Georgia – I’ve always wanted to get it on with a black chick so I decided to use my Alpha Male techniques on a black babe in a restaurant I go to that I have long admired. In case you’re wondering, it works like a charm, regardless of ethnicity. The Alpha Male system has really unlocked the door on my sex life and I’m loving every minute of it.

#3 Guy Gets Girl Guide

Tiffany Taylor is an award winning author and web dating expert who has written extensively on the subject of dating. She’s had extensive experience in the dating game and claims to know every aspect of how it all works. As she says ‘A mechanic studies cars, a soldier studies war, I study the dating game – from both angles.’

What’s interesting about Tiffany Taylor’s insistence that only a woman can tell a guy what a woman wants, the AlphaMale System strongly claims that you should never take dating tips from a woman – so who’s right? There is probably only one way to find out, and that’s to try both systems to see which one brings in the best results. Tiffany Taylor is confident her dating women tips and techniques will make you a major major success with girls. The tone of Tiffany’s sales pitch is noticeably more ladylike that that of John Alexander’s Alpha Male System. There are no mentions on having girls literally begging to take you home for x-rates sex, but she does promise success in the sack by giving women what they really want in terms of sex.

Tiffany’s dating tips basically rely on the same mind and thought reading dating tips as both Alpha Male System and Pandora’s Box Core System but of course she has her own terms for it, she calls it; “Mental Spotlight Positioning” a series of tips for dating which will enable you to overcome any shyness or ‘reservedness’ so that you will be able to storm into the lives of beautiful women.’ She has a ‘scoping technique’, a piece of dating advice that will get you more women than you ever thought existed. She also promises 5 places where you will find the hottest dates that men have not yet considered. Let’s hope it’s not the launderette or the supermarket, because Pandora’s Box Core System has dating advice that specifically mentions that you can find girls in both of these places and use their dating tips to make them addicted to you.

All in all Tiffany Taylor’s seems much more discreet in its approach to picking up girls. Where Alpha Male System promises you’ll have your hand deep up a girl’s skirt at the office, Tiffany Taylor offers the best conversation starters and which topics to avoid. That may seem a little dull for some guys fantasising about scoring regularly and at will. And Tiffany, like Alpha Male and Pandora’s Box Core System is willing to stand by her claims with a full money back guarantee if you do not get more dates with more beautiful women. Her ‘Guy Gets Girl’ System comes bundled with some additional bonus material and costs $49.95 which makes it $17.00 cheaper than the most expensive dating tips package Pandora’s Box.

Customers Opinion/Feedbacks

Joe K, Buffalo, New York – Thanks so much Tiffany, you have really taught me how to approach women with a whole lot more confidence. I would never have dreamed or dared to approach some of the beautiful women I have discovered since using your techniques. They are a knock out!

Drew T, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma – She was walking down the street, one of the most beautiful, sexiest women I have ever seen. My friend, who has no idea I have learned your ‘Guy Gets Girl ‘techniques, said ‘bet you will not dare go pick up that babe.’ Well we did take a bet on that action, and I won! She has soft flowing hair, and long legs and believe me, she looks great on the back of my motorbike!’ My friend can’t believe it.

Tom P, Chicago, Illinois – Tiffany, I didn’t buy ‘Guy Gets Girl’ to win more women, I just didn’t want to lose the girl I have already have. She just wasn’t paying me much attention anymore, but now, using your techniques I have become much more attractive to her and importantly, more attractive to other women, and that has made her sit up and take notice and now I’m sensing some jealousy and I love it.

About the author

Hi, I’m Joseph O’Connor. I am a twenty-six year old man from Texas, USA. I fell into writing about sex toys when I was looking for a way to both try new things and explore my body… Things progressed rapidly. It turns out there aren’t many (straight) men that can talk about sex the way I do without getting downright ridiculous. I’m always reading more/learning about the human body and sexual response and always looking for ways to improve my sex life (and that of those I come in contact with)

More about Joseph

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